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How to See Followers on Linkedin Company Page

Updated March 2021

In this article you will learn the top 10 things you need to know about LinkedIn company pages.

The LinkedIn company page experience continues to improve, moving far beyond being just the way you get your company's logo on the experience section of your team's LinkedIn Profiles.  The LinkedIn Company page feature is where you can keep your employees, clients and potential clients informed and it's where you can create your LinkedIn ad campaigns.  If you're planning to increase your organisation's presence on LinkedIn and improve your LinkedIn company page strategy, here are the 10 things you need to know about the LinkedIn company page feature.

1. A LinkedIn Company Page is Free

If you wish to create a LinkedIn company page it's a free feature for LinkedIn members. You don't need to have a premium account but you do need to meet a few conditions.

Here's more from LinkedIn Help about creating a LinkedIn company page.

2. You May Need to Claim Your LinkedIn Company Page

When you first create your company page, you may be surprised to find it already exists on LinkedIn. This is because LinkedIn creates Listing Pages when people complete their Experience in their profile and list the organisation's name.  All Listing Pages have a banner indicating that it was created by LinkedIn.

You can claim the page if you're eligible to become an Admin. To be eligible you need to have it listed in your profile work, education, or volunteer experience.

3. LinkedIn Company Pages Can Not Follow other Company Pages (Yet)

Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn does not currently provide LinkedIn admins with the option to follow other companies. If you are the Admin for your organisation's LinkedIn company page, we recommend you follow the relevant companies via your LinkedIn profile and use the save function for posts you wish to re-share via the LinkedIn company page.

How to save company page updates in your linkedin newsfeed

4. LinkedIn Company Pages Can Not Join Groups

Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn is yet to provide LinkedIn admins with the option to join groups. Remember, LinkedIn is at its heart a professional networking platform, so membership of groups should be for individuals, and an effective organisational LinkedIn marketing strategy requires active involvement of the leaders of your business. Research relevant groups for your industry and client communities to determine the value of being part of LinkedIn groups.

Here's more from LinkedIn Help about how to find and join a LinkedIn group, via your LinkedIn profile.

5. LinkedIn Company Pages Can Like & Comment on Certain Posts

There are a few opportunities for your LinkedIn company page to like and comment on posts. The first is to view your activity when in admin view on your company page. This can be done from the desktop and your phone.  You can like comments and respond to any comments made on your company page updates or made where your company page has been mentioned.

You can also join the conversation of your chosen company page hashtags.  If you've chosen 3 community hashtags the admins of your page may also be prompted in your LinkedIn Profile notifications to comment on a trending post for that hashtag as your company page.

How to access community hashtags on LinkedIn company page

6. LinkedIn Company Page Notifications are Getting Easier to Locate

You will get a morning update on your LinkedIn company page's follower performance, and may be prompted if you have not posted for a while.  For detailed analytics on LinkedIn company page activity, we recommend you access the Activity tab on your LinkedIn company page via your admin view.  Learn more about the key features of your LinkedIn company page in this article.

linkedin page notifications

7. You Can Invite Connections to Follow Your Company Page

Once you've optimised your LinkedIn company page and developed a company page follower strategy, which includes a promise to potential followers of what they can expect to stay informed about from following your updates, then you're ready to invite your connections to follow your company page.  Learn more about inviting connections to follow your organisation's LinkedIn company page in this article.

Invite connections to follow company page

8. You Can See Who Follows Your Company Page

You can see who follows your LinkedIn company page when you're in the admin view. Click on Analytics, then Followers and scroll down to view your new followers. Check new followers at the end of each month, and ensure the relevant people within your organisation are inviting any 2nd or 3rd degree connections to connect, with a personalised note thanking them for following your organisation's LinkedIn company page updates.

How to view who's following your linkedin company page

9. You Can Pin a Post to Your Company Page Updates

You can pin an update from your company page so it's the first post new visitors to the page see. I recommend either a welcome video or an impactful visual with a link encouraging sign up to you a relevant opt-in and our email newsletter.

To pin a post, go to the updates section (when in admin view), locate the correct update and click the More icon and select Pin to top from the dropdown. You'll see Pinned in the upper right corner of the update. The update will move to the top of the Updates and Recent updates section (member view) of your Linkedin Company Page.  This example shows you where to access this feature when you're in the admin view of your LinkedIn company page.

How to access the company page pinned post feature

10. Notify Employees of New Company Page Updates

As a LinkedIn page admin, you can let your employees know when you've posted an important update on your LinkedIn company page using Employee Notifications. Employees are members who've listed your organisation's page in the Work Experience section of their profile.  Employees will be notified via desktop and mobile that your organisation has shared an update with them through their notification updates. Notifications may take several hours to be processed and delivered to your employees.  You can use this feature once every 24 hours.  Learn more about the notifying employees notification in this article.

notify employees of linkedin company page updates

How to See Followers on Linkedin Company Page
